Being pulled together!

21st century, modern era, the age of the digital world and the worldwide we are connected.
Oh seriously???
Skype, WhatsApp, Viber and hike like social platforms helped us to connect with anyone virtually in this world.
13 crore FB users in INDIA are a promising figure of how much we like to be in touch with each other.
But are we really connected?
Does real togetherness means to live in this virtual world and stay connected without feeling the warmth of one another.
Does this mean to live with boundaries of operating systems and user interfaces?
I guess no!!

Real togetherness is something when we meet mentally, physically and socially. When we try to feel the emotions of others. When our heart connects and when we forget the rest of the world around.
Reunion of friends, family gatherings on marriages and Meetups at even small events make the bonds stronger and tighten up the ties.

Being together isn’t about being physically present in each other’s vicinity or being in touch with each other, virtually. It is about being able to be together, feel together, being able to count and be counted upon by each other. You can’t label the crowd or audience just because they are present at the same place at the same time together, but you are supposed to label a mob as being present “together”.

And then it comes to nature. Nature has its own unique and ambiguous ways of bringing us together. Some speak words into the  air and let it disseminate to their desired ones; some wish upon the moon and falling stars to etch the hearts of their significant others.

Being Indian it is just natural that we like to touch and feel and then we start believing. Real togetherness is when we get together, ignoring all the flaws and mistakes we had done in the past.
On a rainy day, pakode and samose help us to get together and enjoy those moments. Summer and Winter outings, Spring and Autumn shopping are the obvious reasons to get together.
Nature counts for everything and everyone.

But at times, nature entices or coerces us to be together, to have each other’s back, to aid others, to protect the stranger whose life now is more worthwhile than yours (to you, at least). For those who’ve met accidentally by sharing a cab during a downpour; for those friends who played cricket under the scorching heat of the sun and then later on, had to confront their parents; for those family members who shared the same blanket on a bitterly cold night, yes, nature surely has played bewitching roles in tying them with the precious chain of fond memories and unforgettable fervent emotions.

Let us then, connect, share, indulge and come together to enjoy and cherish the togetherness  with Kissan.


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